Task Group Edit
Task Groups
Task Groups in Aces High are comprised of 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Cruiser and 4 Destroyers.
All the ships have man-able guns, but only the Aircraft Carrier can launch and recover aircraft. When the Aircraft Carrier is sunk, the Task Group re-spawns at its home port.
On this page you can take command of the Task Groups, Higher ranked players can take command of these Task Groups over lower ranked players.
1. Select a task group on the left and click Take Command.
2. Select Looped or Patrol for Task Group. Looped puts Task Group on continuous course while Patrol sends Task Group to an end and returns.
3. Use the Right Mouse button to lay waypoints, Shift+Left Mouse Button to move waypoints and Double Click a task group to center map on Task Group.
Clear Points - Clears all Waypoints
Submit - Submits Waypoints