Gun Sights
Gunsights can be customized by editing the 64x64 default.bmp image in your ../HTC/Aces High/sights directory. Gunsights can be created for specific planes and for different gunner positions. When you enter a cockpit or gun position in the game, Aces High first looks for a custom sight and if one is not found, the default.bmp is used.
In the Gunsights dialog, each aircraft, vehicle, boat and gun position is listed and can be customized.
Model Name
This is the list of models in Aces High you can customize the gun sights for.
This column lists the position in the vehicle, plane, or gun the gunsight The line marked "P" is the pilot position and the others are gunner positions.
File Name
The File Name refers to the bitmap file currently assigned to that position. The second file list is all of the .bmp files found in your ../HTC/Aces High/sights directory. Clicking on a filename will display that gunsight next to the file list and change the button text.
The Alpha slider changes the transparency of the gunsight.
Click the button to set the displayed bitmap to the selected gun position.